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tv   Housecall  FOX News  March 2, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST

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. healthy is as healthy does. i'm jamie colby. time for sunday house call. >> welcome to the house call on this sunday. with us is the doctor, chairman of the professor of urology and chief of robotic surgery there. >> here to help us clean up our act, professor of medicine in the lando medical center, author of the inner pulse, unlocking the code of sickness and health. great to have you here. let's get to where it started with this. we begin with a warning that concerns pregnant women as a new study shows exact apectant tyle
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could increase a risk for adhd. >> we covered this in adults and said it causes liver toxicity and they should not take a high dose of this. pregnancy coming from 64,000 children and they found if they take one day of tylenol a week and they take it during the first trimester, it increases the risk of attention deficit in children. they are taking it for headache, fever, and pain. and this is the result of the study. we want you to take it for fever because the fever is dangerous in pregnancy so it's the safest medication to take during pregnancy, but try to avoid it for any headache and pain. they are teaching the pregnant women out there to avoid it as much as you can unless it's a
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high fever, talk to your doctor. high fever causes birth defects and a lot of things. the second important part about this is the timing of taking tylenol. this is interesting. if you take it in the first trimester, it increases the risk of attention deficit by 9%. >> because? >> this is the time where the nerves and the endocrine and hormonal changes are going on. if you take it in the third trimester, that increases by 28%. if you take more than one trimester, the second and third trimester, then the increase is 68%. we want you to take it only if it's necessary. >> what's an alternative for a pregnant woman who may have some sort of pain? >> that's what i was going to say. patients come to me when they get pregnant and say what do i take? you take nothing on your own. i always said that. now even more so. we always felt that the one
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thing we could take was acetominophen or tums. we don't want you taking aspirin because it increases early miscarriage. they are over-the-counter medications. i agree with david on this issue of fever, but i want to make that decision with the obstetrician and not you. don't say he said 103 fever, better get it down. ask your doctor. these are chemicals. if nothing else, this is what it brings home. many take tylenol and the doctor said it's safer. the truth is it has active chemicals to it. a lot of patients over 60,000. we have to figure out why it's occurring. is it affecting hormones or the brain or the liver. it's probably not an thax this
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resulted. >> it's probably overall very safe. >> this is the endocrine disruptor and they also mentioned that a lot of these can cause liver toxicity. talk to your doctor. >> good warning. thank you, doctor. >> the most commonly used tools in the medical office. how clean are stethoscopes? according to a study, not as clean as you would like. you trust a doctor and think their stuff is clean. do you clean your stethoscope? >> i thought i was neurotic. i thought it was crazy. the truth is we sit there focusing on hand washing. wash your hands after every patient. are we wearing gloves and washing our hands? >> you are doing paperwork and going from person to person. >> i hope most of them will do that, but this is an interesting study. it shows that there is a lot of
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bacteria on the part of the stethoscope that we put on your back or chest. you might be sweaty. you sweat on to the stethoscope. don't you want the doctor to use an alcohol swab. it's simple to wipe down the part that touched the patient. even the tube has back dwreteri it. i wear it from one patient to the next. i can pass bacteria. mrsa is a super bug and it doesn't actually show which pathological bacteria are there and can they cause infection? i would like them to study what we have talked about. if you are passing for doctors to stethoscopes to patients, don't just wash your hands. put alcohol on your stethoscope. >> hi, dock. before i say hello. did you wash that?
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did you wash your hands? >> there is a nice thing so you are not insulting him, but it's all right to say please wash your hands. fortunately i don't carry a stethoscope. if i need someone, i call them to look at the patient. this comes from the proceedings. this is critical. doctors carry these bugs, mrsa from patient to patient. the tip of the stethoscope has 89 germs. the bacterias. >> it's a whole neighborhood. >> the tip of the fingers have about 467 of them. the thumb was about 37. >> and your tie? >> that's a good one. this is another one. the doctor leaned over to look at the stethoscope and the tie gets contaminated and this goes from patient to patient.
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that's one of the reason yes paid w pediatricians wear a bow tie. >> the lab coats are loaded with bacteria. >> this is another horror story. another study was done in indiana. they find out that the doctors are not washing their hands. only 13% and 5% do it correctly. you want to bring the fingers and really wash them at the palm of your hands and go for at least 30 seconds and wash them and dry that. that becomes a hand. >> this is a big problem. >> hand sanitizers are on the outside of every room now. most hospitals have them outside of the door. please use them whether you are a doctor or a patient. >> i actually thought when the doctor took the stethoscope to warm it up, but no more. wow. amazing.
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talk about your ties too. >> we have to change it a lot. >> straight ahead, so much more for you. that was a great tip. a new medical development for people who need it most. the doctor ventured to the caribbean where he established a cutting edge surgery center for cancer patients. ...return on investment wall isn't a street... isn't the only return i'm looking forward to... for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. you make a great team. it's been that way sincthe day you met.
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. >> welcome back to sunday house call. our doctors work so hard all week and the doctor was in the dominican republic opening up a new center for cancer patients. take a look. >> the metropolitan hospital of santiago is home to the brand-new robotic institute and comes at a time when medical tourism is increasingly popular.
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close to a million americans a year seek health care and the caribbean is known for high quality and low cost procedures. patients can save up to sniff% of what they pay in the states. it has long been a tourist destination for plastic surgery and dental procedures. you can add the state-of-the-art robot which is like an avatar where the surgeon manipulates arms through a narrow incision to perform delicate operations. >> you are going to change the lives of many people and to be a part of this first robotic institute. this is a huge blessing and the greatest step. i'm proud to be part of this. >> with robotic surgery recovery is remarkable. you can get in and out of the hospital in less than a day. the institute will include treatment of prostate, kidney,
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gynecologic and others. doctors will be able to use sec neeks who performed the first case to treat prostate cancer and other surgeries in a fay si and more effective manner with minimal blood loss. >> it's with less trauma. less trauma. >> this is a huge step. this is a turn for this hospital. >> with more and more regulations and restrictions, many americans may look elsewhere for surgery. the institute could be an option. >> you thought our doctors were just pretty. they are really smart and really care. great explanation of tourism for medical purposes. this is a huge game changer down there.
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>> absolutely. they defend 40% of all medical covering are people looking for expert technology that they can't get other places. we expect people from all over the caribbean and south america to come here. there is no other robot down there other than puerto rico. this is a big deal. the first surgery in the country and people have to understand what is the advantage. it's a minimal surgery. you get in there with the arm. minimal or no blood loss. he's patented a technique where he gets in there and preserves the nerve. i've seen it. >> better results for sure. it's a shame to send the care of americans away where we could be doing the procedures here. >> we are doing it over here to
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open up the first robotic institute. i want to salute the president who is visionary and brought it and brought the government to establish this and this is going to really change the way of medicine down there. i want to compliment the surgeon that you see. he really spent the last four years and studied this technique. then it shows all of them and really bringing this education and most people in the humanitarian part of the world. >> what i was going to say and something you are both involved in, a teaching opportunity for other young surgeons to spread the good will and the good care. >> let me say one more thing. the dominican culture, i want to show you that they accepted us with open arms and these are
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great, great people. i'm so honored and privileged to be a part of that team and have fox news to really bring them and i appreciate everything that has been going on. we will give back to the humanitarians and we are happy to be part of this. >> we are devoted on the show. we have a lot more ahead. >> you know the difference between dibolic and systolic? doctors weigh in about blood pressure. what you need to know so that it doesn't get you.
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. back to sunday house call and the doctors.
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should i worry? we are talking about blood pressure. i am a 23-year-old man, most recently my blood pressure reading was 145 over 95. i currently triamterene/hyd triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide. how worried should i be? people should go to the doctor, get those home kits? 145/95? >> i am, i'm worried about. and i'll tell you why. because at that young of an age, i worry about an underlying cause of this. the older you get, if you get high blood pressure, it's called essential hypertension where there's no underlying factor or cause. when i'm young, the younger you are i'm more worried about an underlying cause. >> like what? >> kidneys are number one. is there a problem with the kidney? there's blood vessels that lead to the on kidney called the renal arteries.
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renal artery stenosis occurs where there's a blockage in that young person. i want to see 24-hour urine studies to make sure his adrenal glands aren't causing things to skyrocket like this. he could have a tumor found usually in older people, but i'm worried about his kidneys, number one. number two, i don't want to slap a medication on it and call it a day because he has a risk going forward of heart disease or developing this stroke. again, i don't want to scare anyone out there, but this is a big deal. he's not under control and he's using a medication, a diuretic that we tend to use in older people. there's ace inhibiters, beta blockers, but he has to get worked up and get on a different medication. >> what should you do to make sure that your blood pressure is under control?
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because you don't know if you have it, generally. >> well, number one, check it. a normal blood pressure should be 120/80. i think this patient is being completely mismanaged. we have 20% of young generation like this coming up with blood pressure and this is a brand aid therapy. comes in with blood pressure, gives us some medication and we're not going anywhere. as mark mentioned, there are three things you want to worry about with blood pressure. one is kidney failure in the future, heart disease and brain december. the way to treat this, besides all the tests that you're going to get, hormonal changes, norepinephri norepinephrine, cortisone. we have to find out, african-americans have higher risk, we have to see if there's any genetic issue here. don't undermine the effect of lifestyle. is he obese? is he not taking care of himself? there's a dash approach to dietary approach for stopping high blood pressure is what i would like to do. change his lifestyle.
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>> watch your salt. >> exactly. bring the salt to 2,400 milligrams a day. and also importance of diet. jamie, i know you're a huge fan of this. >> i'd love for you to mention quick will i a couple of the foods you think we should add to our diet. >> i know it sounds old fashioned, but look, garlic. garlic is one of the best sources of lowering your blood pressure. exercise, stop smoking and add some garlic. broccolis, tomatoes, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. that's where i would start and i would monitor him. one high blood pressure does not mean you have high blood pressure. three times, 125/80. >> we always propose the natural solution when we can. hold the thought because we're going to come right back. but in the meantime, i don't know why the camera is on me when we're talking about a woman's biological clock. whatever. but how about men? our doctors are going to express
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why some guys are feeling the same pressure as the ladies to have children before a certain age. interesting stuff. [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr.
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you know, we were talking about high blood pressure and for guys, that could stand in your way of being a dad. how about if you're thinking of putting it off to a later in life. there's a new study that children with dad's 45 years of age and older are likely to have a lower i.q. tell us what you want about high blood pressure and what the impact could be for dads over 45. >> i was going to say that this young person at the age of 23 who has that kind of a blood pressure who some doctor thought to put him on medication has a big problem. and even though there's a lot of great things that were said about exercise and diet and things like garlic, which i really believe in and decreasing
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alcohol and smoking, you have to do all the lifestyle changes, but on top of that, probably he needs some treatment. >> for life. >> definitely because it's a silent killer. >> we hope he will get a second opinion on that. that's great. how about having children later in life, dock? >> there is decreasing sperm count. men can have kids after the age of 40, but it's harder and harder. for men, it's harder and harder, but the decline is more gradual. on top of that, the cells that make sperm are dividing all the time. and over the years, the more they divide, the more chances of a mutation. the more mutation, the morn more chance that the wild will have a problem. so it isn't just in women.
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it's also in men. this study looked at 2.6 million people and found there's a greater chance of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, everything like that. >> so i have an honest discussion with men out there. i can this is a real entity. we see that male biological clock and i always tell them, when you're in your 20s and thirds, your testicles and the sperm are like a brand new lamborghini. you can do zero to 60 in four seconds. as we get older, unfortunately the cars start to slow down, the engines slow down. in your 20s and 30s, the sperm can swim across the ocean and do a great job. but we are getting older, there's mutations, the sperm is not as functional. even if you're married to younger women, you still have
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the problem of having increased attention deficit disorder and the like. >> thank you, twice. see you next week. >> and on media buzz with howard kurtz comes up next right here on fox news channel. have a great day. >> bye, everybody. on the buzz beater this sunday, joe biden starts dropping hints about running for president no matter what hillary clinton does and gets a warm welcome from the media. for vice president? say thank you. >> oh, i'd love that. >> but is there enough skepticism about biden? he will be 74 at election time and is it fair for pundit toes point out that hillary will turn 69 just before the election? stephen colbert makes fun of me for daring to raise the question. >> i know it's rude to talk about a woman's age, but that's not what i am doing. i am talking about people talking


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